Inviting People to One God
Appreciating how Sages across Traditions Agree on Doctrine and Realization of Tawhid. We live in a plural world where the plea of the Chairman at the 1893 Parliament of the Religions that 'Henceforth the religions of the world will make war not on each other but on the giant evils that afflict humankind' has been increasingly heard. The Quran had suggested focusing on common points of traditions. Let us see how far the doctrine of Reality/God and key to realizing the same is a common point (understood in the language of other traditions) that has, however, not been duly appreciated till now due to misinformation and failure to truly listen to the other dialogue partner. The challenge is to present our point, not in streets or pulpit or closed rooms of like minded people, but in an imagined session on dawah (invitation to the Underlying Religion/God/Truth) attended by select gathering of experts of comparative religion and theologians besides luminaries ...