Why Sir Syed can’t be Ignored?
His position is far more nuanced than generally known or attributed to him by hostile critics. Sir Syed is amongst the most misunderstood, misread and boycotted thinkers. His tafsir has been often ridiculed though few have cared to read it. His seminal thesis – that Islam is identifiable with Nature, with what is the case and thus Islam embraces, by definition, whatsoever truth is there and is not to reduced to a religion or creedal system or theology as popularly understood and is the very name of openness and free inquiry and thus needn’t be proved and can’t be meaningfully doubted and is only a reminder of what we already know/can know in principle – has never been seriously debated. Sir Syed has arguably provided for Islam a philosophical foundation that can’t be shaken in principle and thus immunizes it against all critiques beforehand. It is in the name of truth/Islam that we challenge any claim to truth of any ideology or system. Islam has been understood as a meta-religion...