Finding Mercy in Hell
Is there any possibility for exit for all and any hope for those who are condemned to it? Hell is obviously a bad place or state to find oneself in. But the story doesn’t end here. There arise many questions regarding it, that cry for answers. One such important question is about God’s mercy if so many people end up in hell. And is there any possibility for exit for all and any consolation/hope/remedy for those who are condemned to it? How do we live lives if such terrible future awaits most of us/fellow humans? How come we can sleep well if it is the case that anytime anyone amongst us is going to be picked up for ultimate concentration camp? I think most of these questions hinge on understanding the nature of hell. Today we ponder on a few points to help us approach these questions. Peter Kreeft, an influential religious figure, has this to say in his Three Philosophies of Life , on the nature of hell: “The essence of Hell is not suffering but ...