
Showing posts from April, 2020

Is Hell Eternal?

Understanding Islamic View on Universality of Salvation and limited duration of hell Most Muslims assume that punishment for nonbelievers will not end as they shall be compelled to stay in eternal hell and that none will enjoy stay in hell at any point of time as if God’s mercy has no dominion or role there. Many Muslim theologians believe that God doesn’t need any reason (sin) to consider punishing someone in hell and can send anyone to hell.  None of these assumptions have gone unchallenged by towering Muslim scholars, philosophers and Sufis. Before discussing the specific case of Ibn Taymiyyah against eternality of hell and exclusivist view on salvation, let us sum up certain points against the popular view.       How come hell is called a friend ( mawla ) and mother ( umm ) in the Quran?  How can any place be sealed for good against penetration of divine mercy? If we note that one is not punished for sins but by sins as noted by many astute minds and if suff...

Challenging Perennialists?

Understanding the Perennialist view of plurality of salvation Will Gandhi/Mother Teresa go to heaven? This question is often asked in Muslim circles. Counterpart of this question asked in Christian circles is regarding some Muslim saints/devout believers who didn’t recognize death and resurrection of Christ. A great number of followers of some religions believe that salvation is restricted to their religion only, sometimes to their sects within religion only. Unless one knows Christ (A.S) or Muhammad (S.A.W) salvation can’t be granted, they assert. Mystics have generally resisted this belief and it is perennialists who have most comprehensively questioned it and provided alternative view of plurality of salvation. Many Muslim scholars have the following misgiving about perennialist approach to religion/ Islam:  Perennialists think all traditional religions are true and can lead to salvation. And this claim contradicts the thesis that the Quran asserts that the only acceptable relig...

Living and Dying in the Times of Corona

What is wrong with modern fear of death and why we need voluntary lockdown for a week or two every year?  Last few weeks have exposed certain pathological attitudes we have been living with including the following: Taking affairs of life too seriously and thus failing to appreciate the adventure of the climax of life – death or the great secret and joy of dying every moment or dying before death in which lies the true art of living well. Art’s abiding value in reconciling us to life is mediated through transcendence of life wedded to ego/self, thus embracing the tragic/death. Those who are ready to die every moment really live. Death is no punishment as Socrates noted and literature is one with philosophy in its aim of preparing us for death.  Fear of Corona shows how much we have understood this elementary lesson of religion, philosophy and art. Our failure to live with ourselves and be truly religious understood in Whiteheadian mystical sense as what one does with one’s soli...