

I am alone,
Alone, utterly alone.
Nothing is mine, not even myself,
I cling to nothing;
Neither can I afford clinging.
I was born alone.
I will die alone.
Why hanker for company then in this brief interval?
Why seek to gossip?
Why be anxious for applause and audience?
Why look for consolation from the unfeeling crowd?
I weep alone,
But I don’t need any comforter;
We have to weep our share of tears.
Why seek to argue my case and fight for my opinion?
I am not lonely but alone
Not seeking to escape from my loneliness
I don’t covet company
Squarely facing the emptiness within
And wish to be alone
With the Alone
Like the Alone
Who alone is
The One and only
Himself the lover and the beloved.


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